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War cry in a sentence

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Sentence count:20Posted:2018-08-15Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: far crya far crywarcraftwar crimestar-crossedwar chestsearch warrantbackward and forwardMeaning: n. 1. a slogan used to rally support for a cause 2. a yell intended to rally a group of soldiers in battle. 
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1. Keep Britain White was the war cry.
2. At intervals while we were negotiating with him, he screeched his battle songs and war cries.
3. When I still refused, they gave their war cry and began dancing about to frighten me.
4. He was there when the killers streamed down from the surrounding hills, chanting war cries.
5. He let out a war cry .
6. Scott has made the latter his war cry since he started spending almost $75 million of his own fortune last year to capture the country's fourth largest statehouse.
7. The power of your ear-splitting war cry echoes across the battlefield.
8. That seems to be the war cry of quite a few Christians these days.
9. Knights yelled out their war cry before their fight in the past.
10. This moment we will roar the war cry descendents of Dragons!
11. This moment we will roar the war cry as descendents of Dragons!
12. In each case the shout is far more than simply a war cry.
13. From possibly the most secluded country in the world, is the North Korea FA's statement a war cry from world football's next rising powerhouse,( or simply the deluded rant of a state run by propaganda?
14. The only half sensible Indian post so far. So now you have the war cry, what's the action plan?
15. Even when I am gone, I shall remain in people's minds the star of their rights, my name will be the war cry of their efforts, the motto of their hopes.
16. But Joshua had commanded the people, "Do not give a war cry, do not raise your voices, do not say a word until the day I tell you to shout. Then shout!"
17. We may put up a good front -- here a sexist comment, there a war cry -- but secretly, we like being househusbands.
18. Since I am the Scowling Knight, can I have no war cry?
19. He reached the camp as the army was going out to its battle positions, shouting the war cry.
20. Its goal is to cut off the voice of the Lord, stop the war cry of the saints and remove the presence of God from your midst.
More similar words: far crya far crywarcraftwar crimestar-crossedwar chestsearch warrantbackward and forwardair crewaircrewbackwards and forwardsaircraftsour creamovercrowdbumper cropcover cropupper crustintercropcybercrimerotorcrafthovercraftwatercresswatercraftovercrowdedfiddler crabsupercriticalantiaircraftcomputer crimeovercrowdinghypercritical
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